
So I was having so much fun at the zoo on Wednesday I studied more then 3 animals. *Gee* I love animals!  Anyway I'm not exactly putting these in the order that I drew them, because the day is a blur now and there are some that have more studies then others.  I'm posting all but one drawing (which I think the elephants would like kept private!) .

Animal #1 Elephant

I was lucky enough to start drawing the Elephants when they got their bath and snack. They were doing all sorts of fun stuff like climbing over each other and rubbing themselves in the mud and dirt. The littler one also came up to the edge of the enclosure begging for snacks from the zookeeper.


Elephants-01 Elephants-02 Elephants-03 Elephant-trunk

Elephant movement study



Animal #4 White-Handed Gibbons 

Gibbons-fin Gibbons02 Gibbons

Animal #3 Kookubura

KookuburaFINKookubura02 Kookubura01  

Animal #4 Lemurs!




Animal #5 Orangitangs



Orangutang01 Orangutang04



Animal  #6 Nene Goose & other fowls

Nene-finNene-01 Birds


Attempt at the Tigers:

The tigers weren't really cooperating with me so I only got two drawings, I did get a leap gesture though =)

