11 sec - Remote Power - Thumb idea

So I want to do this kind of sequence:

1. Silhouette of man w/Fedora hat over a glowing TV

2. He moves up to the camera and speaks the lines, still partially blocking what is on the TV. We cannot see his eyes because the shadow of the fedora hat, only his mouth.

3. on "The power to hold the whole world..."
he moves to the side we see the earth on the TV screen ...
he lifts up a remote control and presents it "in your fist"  we see his eyes glow red

4. He reaches back and turns off the TV with the remote... everything goes black


Character & story background: This is Lucifer (IE the Devil, The Morningstar, etc.) in his living room, he's showing us how he manipulates us... through television. =)

Physical Description: His hair is red, he's extremely handsome and skin is pale. I'm patterning this character after Neil Gaiman's version of the Lucifer. Who's appearance is inspired by David Bowie. But he will of course be drawn in my style.

Mannerisms: Lucifer is very suave and convincing in a sexy yet creepy way. His movement is fluid and effortless.

Talents: Music, inter-dimensional travel, morphing into a 7 headed dragon...

Hobbies: Collecting Souls, opening fancy restaurants

Pet Peeves: Not winning, and genuinely good people.

Catch Phrases:
"Muwahahahaha" (general evil laughter)
"Bawahahahahaha" (pointing and laughing)
"Go ahead, eat it!"
"Just sign here."