Sealy – post spring break

Click Here to download

Man I wish I had said no… I lost 3 animating days doing some graphic design work. Well it’s for a non-profit dance company and I’m getting paid a bit, eh it’s for a good cause I guess.

Don’t be surprised if you all don’t see me on campus much… I’ve got this awesome desk now I don’t want to leave it!!!

I will post all the construction photos of the desk after I feel like I’m in the clear with Sealy… which might not be till May… so yeah.

Demo Reel

Just realized I never posted my finished demo reel (with painted maquette) from last semester! =)

New Sealy stuff

This animatic is not updated with the animated type sequences I made this weekend, I'm still working out how to composite everything together. (Click to download) 

I ended up working on my backgrounds this weekend because that is where my brain was at. I did make some new thumbnails for some shots I wanted to improve/change. Anyway I feel much better getting these backgrounds finished, I feel like something is finished-ish. I mean, it's changeable but it could pass for a finished look.

They are created in Photoshop and Illustrator with found free photos from Stock Xchange - royalty-free photo site. And everything is in layers and can be manipulated. - whoops I see a table leg in front when it should be behind - well I'll fix that tomorrow. Now it's time for sleep >.<

ACM320_Spring2010_sealy_newthumbsVideo and Film 

Classroom-Front ACM320_Spring2010-SealyBlackBoard-BulletinBoard