Remote Power Appearance Test

So I was racking my brain to come up with a cool but efficient way of getting the dark film nor look I wanted. So I did a test on one of my screen shots, it’s grainy but I may get away with it because it makes the image look old.

Here’s what I did:

I used the smart sharpen filter in photoshop to make the lines pop more. Then I used a curves layer to darken up the image, I used a mask on the curves layer so his hand, face and shirt would be light. I’m going to tweak this some more, maybe make his face lighter. But it should work, I can drag the curves layer onto each frame and do a quick mask on each frame. I also saved the sharpen settings so I think i can automate that in a batch process on each frame.

This is plan B. Plan A was to scan in each image and to an alpha channel in photoshop & premire. So this is the plan if I don’t have time for plan A. Gotta have a backup plan to meet that deadline!

ACM318_MP_11sec_AppearanceTest ACM318_MP_11sec_AppearanceTest2